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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project DAWN?


Project Dawn is an immersive exhibition which allows participants to walk in the shoes of a mentally ill person. Visitors will walk through the story of Dawn, a university student who suffers from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and struggles to reach her dream.


Who is involved?

Project Dawn is organised by a group of dedicated student volunteers from the National University of Singapore who want to make a difference in how mental illness is perceived. We are privileged to be working closely with our partners: Chat-IMH, Global SEnSE, NUS Psychology Society and SAMH. We are also privileged to have had the kind support of several sponsors and people who shared their experiences with mental illness with us.


Why Project Dawn?

We found that many people in Singapore, including us at first, held negative stereotypes and assumptions regarding people with mental illness, and wanted to reverse this stigma.


When and where will the event be held?


Project Dawn will be held during the Student Life Fair, on the 13th and 14th of August, from 11am to 6pm. We'll be at the Practice Room L1, on level 1 -- opposite Fortune Village! Our friendly volunteers in purple will guide you to the exhibition and provide further information.

How can I volunteer for Project Dawn?


Project Dawn volunteers have to sign up before 12 August 2015, 2359h. Each volunteer will be given a special goodie bag from us for your effort. Show your support on our Facebook page as well!

Do I have to pay admission fees?


Admission is completely free, so give it a shot!

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