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Have you ever wonder what it's like to feel like an outsider? ALL THE TIME?


"He is dangerous and violent, stay away from him." - a classmate


"She's just being overdramatic. It's a phase that will blow over soon." - a mother


"Have you suffered from any mental disorders in the past 6 months?" -job application form



Stigma, in the form of prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviours, is prevalent in our society, even among those who have loved ones suffering from them. This translates to self-stigma, which has profound negative impacts on the individual's quality of life and rate of recovery.


In conjunction with CHAT-IMH, Project DAWN presents a novel and innovative experiential approach to learning about the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. Join us for a chance to take a walk in the shoes of people with mental illnesses!


Date: 13-14th August 2015,

    Student Life Fair

Time: 11am - 6pm

Venue: UTown, Stephen Riady

              Centre, Practice Room L1

              (Near NTUC Express)





stigmatized by peers, leading to friendship losses and

social isolation.



stigmatized by family,

leading to distrust, pity and




stigmatized by school staff,

leading to fear, dislike and

underestimation of abilities.


(From PsychologyToday)

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